Looking for accent training classes?

We offer personalized one on one coaching for non-native English speakers looking to speak confidently and clearly – in both personal and professional life. 


  • Boost your clarity 
  • Increase your opportunities
  • Improve communication and overcome barriers 

My name is Taylar, and I am hoping to assist you in feeling more confident when you are communicating. 

As a board certified and licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, I will work extremely hard to help you accomplish your goal of presenting yourself with clear, confident communication skills.

I help individuals improve presentation skills and increase speech clarity through General American accent training.

The Spirited Method

Step 1: Schedule a Free Consultation 

We will discuss your accent and/or speaking goals, and discuss your current speaking skills. 

Step 2: Complete 12 week Program

We will work together on a personalized plan for 12 weeks in order to improve your speaking skills and get you the life you desire. 



Is this program for you? 

This program is for you if: 

  • You are a non-native advanced  English speaker wanting to improve your pronunciation
  • You are ready to invest in yourself and get the opportunities you desire
  • You are open to receiving feedback and lack confidence in your speaking skills

However, you’re probably not ready if:

  • You are a non-native lower level English speaker 
  • You would rather not invest in yourself financially to see quicker results  
  • You are not motivated to see progress at this time