The Two Elements of Communication: Nonverbal and Verbal Communication 

Nonverbal and Verbal Communication are the two elements of communication. Both of these combined give a clearer picture as to what a person is trying to communicate. 

Nonverbal Communication Examples: 

Eye Contact

  • Demonstrates honesty and approachability
  •  Americans tend to maintain eye contact with the person they are talking to.  

Personal space

  • Americans generally prefer a fair amount of personal space.  

Facial Expressions

  • Americans tend to smile and respond well with similar warmth reciprocated 


  • Nod to signify that you are listening during conversation
  • Crossing the index and middle finger indicates a wish for good luck 
  • Touching the thumb and index finger to make a circle with the remaining three fingers outstretched is the symbol for “OK”
  • In America, waving is a form of saying “hello” 

Nonverbal communication is a wonderful, nuanced, interesting aspect of communicating. Consider focusing on improving this aspect of your communication if you are looking to grow your communication skills.